
Our manifesto is the guide, the centre to which we return when we have doubts about a situation or problem.
It is the compass that guides us when the path seems unclear.
It is the heart that gives meaning to our different business and personal projects.

Each one of its points is a BEAT that gives life to the #ACTPLAY movement.


Let’s activate care

Let’s observe, listen and respond to the needs that surround us from empathy, honesty and commitment.

We are moved by the care for people and the environment.

Activamos el cuidado


Let’s activate calm

However complicated a situation may seem, anger and frayed nerves only make it worse.

Keeping calm is the best remedy.

Activamos la calma


Let’s activate collaboration

Rivalry is not our thing, we prefer team spirit, collaborating and connecting.

Joining together is always the best option.

Activamos la colaboración


Let’s creativity

We love discovering and inventing new things. If we can imagine it, we can do it.

We are curious.

Activamos la creatividad


Let’s activate awareness

We believe in a better world, more ethical, cleaner and more aware and that things can be done differently…

Let’s look to be a little better every day.

Activamos la consciencia


Let’s activate inspiration

We see inspiration as a game. Without rivalry or fear.

Sharing our inspiration from trust and gratitude.

Activamos la inspiración


Let’s activate union in the team

Employees, clients, suppliers, etc. Let’s all contribute to the common good, for a better environment, harmony and things done with love.

We are all one.

Activamos la unión en el equipo


Let’s activate transparency

We are what we are and this is how we show it. Sometimes we make mistakes. Let’s not try to be who we are not but let’s try to learn from our mistakes.

Sincere and realistic.

Activamos la transparencia


Let’s activate kindness

Let’s be friendly to others and ourselves.

Everything is more simple and pleasant with kindness and respect.

Activamos la amabilidad


Let’s activate gratitude

et’s focus daily on everything we can be grateful for.

Gratitude makes everything more beautiful, easy and fun.

Activamos la gratitud

Esta actuación ha sido impulsada y subvencionada por el Servei Públic d'Ocupació de Catalunya y finançada al 100% por el Fons Social Europeu como parte de la respuesta de la Unió Europea a la pandemia de COVID-19.

Finançat per la Unió Europea Servei d'Ocupació de Catalunya Next Generation Catalunya Generalitat de Catalunya