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Project for Miller & Marc

Miller & Marc is a brand of opticians that are distinguished by offering a more sustainable and artisanal type of glasses to those that exist in the market. In their quest for eco-responsibility, they were looking for a supplier to develop sustainable techniques for their POS advertising communications.

Following these premises, they chose Artplay as a supplier and relied on our Ledtex light boxes made of aluminum profile, recycled fabrics and LED lighting of low consumption and high durability, in order to ensure the sustainability and efficiency of all elements of their stores.

The idea was to install light boxes for their advertising actions with a reusable and long-term solution. Fabrics printed in backlight and sewn with silicone that allow a simple change of contents according to the campaign. They did not hesitate to bet on Artplay for the quality of their products and backlight fabrics 80% recycled polyester and 100% recyclable. You can explore how we do it on https://www.artplay.es/impresion-textil-printtex/

Here’s a sample of the results of the in-store light boxes.

  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Recycle
  • Reinvent

We drive real change through sustainable exhibition solutions.

Esta actuación ha sido impulsada y subvencionada por el Servei Públic d'Ocupació de Catalunya y finançada al 100% por el Fons Social Europeu como parte de la respuesta de la Unió Europea a la pandemia de COVID-19.

Finançat per la Unió Europea Servei d'Ocupació de Catalunya Next Generation Catalunya Generalitat de Catalunya